About CSSS

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1. About CSSS

CSSS is the Simulation Society with members from the two countries: Czech Republic and Slovakia. The CSSS history goes back to 1964. CSSS is a forum for information interchange among modeling and simulation professionals and non-professionals. The main objectives of the society are:

  • development of education and training in the field of modelling and simulation,
  • organising professional workshops and conferences,
  • collecting and disseminating information about modelling and simulation activities in Europe to its members,
  • informing the members about publishing in the field of modelling and simulation,
  • maintaining contacts with national and international modeling and simulation communities within the Europe.

CSSS (The Czech and Slovak Simulation Society) has about 50 members in 2 groups connected to the Czech and Slovak national scientific and technical societies:

CSSS is also a full member of Federation of European Simulation Societies - EUROSIM since 1993.

2. CSSS Officers

  • President: Michal Štepanovský, michal.stepanovsky@fit.cvut.cz
  • Vice President: Mikuláš Alexík, alexik@frtk.fri.utc.sk
  • Scientific Secretary: A. Kavička, Antonin.Kavicka@upce.cz
  • Representative EUROSIM: Michal Štepanovský, michal.stepanovsky@fit.cvut.cz
  • Editorial Board SNE: Mikuláš Alexík, alexik@frtk.fri.utc.sk
  • Web EUROSIM: Mikuláš Alexík, alexik@frtk.fri.utc.sk

3. CSSS Steering Committee Members (alphabetical order)

  • Mikuláš Alexík (slovak part)
  • Ladislav Hluchý (slovak part)
  • Antonín Kavička (czech part)
  • Pavel Kordík (czech part)
  • Štefan Korečko (slovak part)
  • Marek Laciak (slovak part)
  • Petr Peringer (czech part)
  • Tomáš Potužák (czech part)
  • Martin Straka (slovak part)
  • Miroslav Šnorek (czech part)
  • Jan Štefan (czech part)
  • Michal Štepanovský (czech part)
  • Milan Šujanský (slovak part)

Signature rights for Česká spořitelna:

  • Pavel Kordík
  • Miroslav Šnorek
  • Michal Štepanovský

4. Statute

(in czech only) Stanovy.pdf

Presented to CSSS by Richard Zobel at the XVIIth International Colloqium - Workshop on Advanced Simulation of Systems, April 18-20 1995, Zábřeh na Moravě, Czech Republic. Held in Memory of Ing. Milan Kotva, CSc.
